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Ngx meta.opengraphprofile

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OpenGraphProfile interface

Open Graph profile metadata for this page

See OpenGraph.profile


export interface OpenGraphProfile 



Property Modifiers Type Description
firstName? readonly string | null

(Optional) A name normally given to an individual by a parent or self-chosen.

- Property specs

gender? readonly OpenGraphProfileGender | string | null

(Optional) Their gender.

Allowing a string here too, so you can specify another gender than the ones specified by standard (male, female)

Check out OpenGraphProfileGender type for constants you can use to specify standard values for this field

- Property specs

lastName? readonly string | null

(Optional) A name inherited from a family or marriage and by which the individual is commonly known.

- Property specs

username? readonly string | null

(Optional) A short unique string to identify them.

- Property specs