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Ngx meta.twittercard

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TwitterCard interface

Twitter Cards module metadata values that can be set


export interface TwitterCard 


Property Modifiers Type Description
card? readonly TwitterCardType | null

(Optional) The card type

Used with all cards

Check out TwitterCardType type for a list of constants you can use to specify the card's type

- Property specs

creator? readonly TwitterCardCreator

(Optional) Username or ID of the content creator

- Property specs (username)

- Property specs (id)

description? readonly string | null

(Optional) Description of content (maximum 200 characters)

Can be set with GlobalMetadata.description

Used with summary, summary_large_image, player cards

- Property specs

image? readonly TwitterCardImage | null

(Optional) Image for the card

Can be set with GlobalMetadata.image

- Property specs

site? readonly TwitterCardSite

(Optional) Username or ID of the author of the website

Used with summary, summary_large_image, app, player cards

- Property specs (username)

- Property specs (ID)

title? readonly string | null

(Optional) Title of content (max 70 characters)

Used with summary, summary_large_image, player cards

Can be set with GlobalMetadata.title

- Property specs